At the time of going to print there were 512 members made up as follows: North & East Southern Western Total Honorary Life 1 4 5 10 Ordinary 223 95 128 446 Ordinary … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2012
Peal Recorder’s Report 2011
The number of peals rung in 2011 was 74, of which 40 were on handbells and 34 on tower bells. The corresponding figures for 2010 were (91,44 and 47). The marked fall in activity on tower bells arose partly but not entirely from the ending of the monthly peals at Isleworth which have been rung for many years with Harold Rogers by his friends. The number of ringers was 143 in all; 125 on tower bells (274 ropes) and 26 on handbells (213 pairs), with 8 people ringing both types. The handbell … [Read more...]
Training Officer’s Report 2011
During the latter part of 2011 training events where organised on the 4th/5th Saturdays of the month. These covered Norwich Surprise Minor, Training the Trainers and calling Original Triples/Major. I can say from personal experience and from comments made to me that these sessions were very enjoyable and rewarding. There have been two events so far in 2012 (Ringing Up and Down in Peal and calling Stedman Triples, again much appreciated by attendees) and more are planned. I am very grateful to … [Read more...]
Librarian’s Report 2011
The main activity of the year has been to enter the collection of peal board transcripts into a database, a process which is nearing completion. At the suggestion of Jill Wigney I have used WinRK, which although intended for personal peal records, is perfectly adequate for my main purpose of recording the names of the ringers. It has been an intriguing exercise involving checking The Ringing World Index, ASCY membership lists, Middlesex annual reports and even to expand initials and … [Read more...]
Bell Restoration Officer’s Report 2011
It is very pleasing to report that 2011–2012 was a year of continued progress, perhaps more so at the planning and discussion stage than implementation. We continue to provide support and guidance to church authorities throughout the Diocese with the maintenance and restoration of their bells and fittings both practically and financially. The Committee met twice during the year and discussed five grant applications (St Dunstan-in-the-West, St Vedast, Christ the Saviour Ealing, Harmondsworth, and … [Read more...]
Bell Restoration Fund 200 Club Report 2011
It has been another successful year for the 200 Club. Thanks again go to all members, old and new, for their continuing support. New members are always welcome. During the year, 2 subscriptions lapsed and there were 13 new subscriptions. The number of subscriptions at the end of the year was 120. 25 members have more than one subscription and there are 16 tower/group memberships. There were 33 x £50 prize winners : Alex Gray, Geraldine Forster, Margaret Pratt (2), Suzanne Daniels (2), … [Read more...]
Bell Restoration Fund Treasurer’s Report 2011
The BRF has had another good year. Fundraising has been maintained at 2010 levels, whilst the payment of only one grant (Bishopsgate) has given rise to a surplus in excess of £10,000 at the end of the year. Fundraising by the North & East district included the barn dance at Bow-in-the-Road (£335) and £97 from the sale of teas for Open House at Aldgate. The Highgate Fair raised £400 and Janets’ and John’s Jaunts £173. The Western District raised £449 through their quiz night and £100 at … [Read more...]
General Treasurer’s Report 2011
Subscription income for the year of £3,664 has again risen, which is an increase of £82 representing around 10 additional new ordinary members. Overall there has been no significant increase in total expenditure during the year although printing and postage costs continue to increase. The main expenditure relates to the personal accident insurance, printing of the report and the publication of Bell News. The General Fund received £200 at the start of the year from the sale of the library’s … [Read more...]
General Secretary’s Report 2011
On Saturday 26th March 2011, the Association participated in the celebrations of the centenary of The Ringing World at Westminster Abbey and Westminster Central Hall, particularly through arranging to have 47 Middlesex towers open for general ringing. Numbers of ringers attending some central towers, including St Margaret’s Westminster, exceeded 100. A number of Association members contributed significantly to the success of the event, including Helen Udal who curated an exhibition of … [Read more...]
Wraysbury, St Andrew
Tower Details Wraysbury, St Andrew, Berks, St Andrews Close, TW19 5DG (TQ002739) 8 bells 9-2-26 in G. Sunday 10.15–11.00 (4th only); Practice Wednesday 7.30–9.00pm. Tower Contact: Roger Lewiston, 07973 725682, Tower Location … [Read more...]