200 Club

The 200 Club is the most consistent income for the Bell Restoration Fund, generating around £5000 each year.

It works like a lottery, each person has a number and each month we draw two numbers, each winning £50.

In April we add the top prize of £1000 and in October a £500 prize.

This can therefore be a good way for a tower band to enjoy supporting the BRF, a way to generate prizes for grandchildren or treats for yourself!

There is no restriction on membership, non ringers are welcome to join and help keep the bells of London in good working order.

To join the 200 Club, with your chance to win prizes, set up a standing order of £5 per month to:


Sort Code 40-20-07 & Account No 61111523

and email 200clubsecretary@bellringing.london to give a name for your 200 club number.