Bell Restoration Fund

New treble at Hackney about to be hoisted up – 2004
New treble at Hackney about to be hoisted up – 2004


The Bell Restoration Fund (BRF) is a registered charity (279919) which provides financial assistance to churches in and around the county of Middlesex and the Diocese of London for the purpose of restoring and improving their bell installations. This includes the repair, replacement re-tuning and re-hanging of bells; the provision of additional bells, frames and fittings and the erection of the same in churches; and
installing sound control.

The Bell Restoration Fund income is generated primarily from donations, fundraising, legacies and bank interest.

The BRF report and accounts are published in the Annual Report each year for the previous calendar year.

How you can help

200 Club

A monthly raffle is held with 62.5% of the funds raised going to the BRF and 37.5% being returned to the subscribers as prizes.  Further details can be found here.

Wills and Legacies

Leaving money in your will is one of the most effective ways of helping such a good cause. You are advised to seek specialist legal advice when writing or amending your will to ensure that it will be legally enforceable.

One Off Donations

These are always very welcome and can be made at any time to the Middlesex County Association Bell Restoration Fund. Please contact the BRF Treasurer ( for bank details (i.e. sort code and account number).

If necessary, cheques may be made payable to The Middlesex County Association Bell Restoration Fund with an accompanying letter.

Regular Giving

If you would like to donate to the Bell Restoration Fund regularly, you can set up a standing order using this form. This is hassle free and the most tax efficient way to donate. Contact the BRF Treasurer ( for more information.

Gift Aid

Any donation made out of taxed income to a registered charity, such as the Bell Restoration Fund may qualify for tax relief. 

If you are a tax payer within the United Kingdom then any donation is eligible for Gift Aid. A Gift Aid declaration form is available to download here. No signature is required in this document, which can be completed electronically using Adobe Reader DC and returned to the Association Treasurer by email (

By completing a Gift Aid form, and sending it with your donation, we can arrange for HM Revenue and Customs to add gift aid for every pound you give.

Please complete the Gift Aid form completely.

Payroll Giving

Employees (and others paying tax by PAYE, including recipients of pensions) can give to charity by having regular sums deducted from their gross income by their employer. Only those whose employers have agreed to operate a payroll deduction scheme are able to participate. 

Speak to your employer if you would like to follow this route.

What work may be eligible for a grant?

Restoration or improvement of a bell installation includes the following: 

  • Removal of an existing ring of bells, frame and fittings for the purpose of repair or restoration; 
  • Repair or replacement of frame or parts thereof, including installation; 
  • Repair, replacement, re-tuning, re-clappering and re-hanging of bells; 
  • Installation of repaired or replaced bells, frame or fittings and making good any relevant defects to towers or ringing chambers therein;
  • Installation and maintenance of sound control equipment; 
  • The provision of additional bells, frames and fittings and the erection of the same in churches; 
  • The acquisition of bells, frames or fittings from churches declared redundant, or bells, frames or fittings which are redundant or unsuitable for their existing location, particularly within the area of the Association.

How can you apply for a grant?

Please download and complete the BRF Grant Application Form and send it to the General Secretary (  

The BRF is administered by the Bell Restoration Committee which meets twice a year (usually March and October) at which applications for grants are reviewed.

Assistance in completing the application form is available from the BRC District Representatives:

You can also contact the Bell Restoration Officer via (