Subscription income for the year of £3,664 has again risen, which is an increase of £82 representing around 10 additional new ordinary members. Overall there has been no significant increase in total expenditure during the year although printing and postage costs continue to increase. The main expenditure relates to the personal accident insurance, printing of the report and the publication of Bell News.
The General Fund received £200 at the start of the year from the sale of the library’s collection of postcards of English Parish Churches, the proceeds of which have been used to fund new library purchases.
Following the establishment of the Training Fund in 2009, no expenditure has been incurred to date. The fund was set up to help support the Association’s training needs and following the reestablishment of a formal training programme in the latter half of 2011 it is expected that the Association will continue to expand the training opportunities for its members and make use of this fund. The expenditure and purpose of the designated fund will be kept under review during the forthcoming year by the Training Officer and General Treasurer.
Despite these times of austerity and economic uncertainty, subscription income remains healthy and expenditure continues to be relatively stable. I am therefore pleased to report that, for the eighth year in a row, there has been no increase to subscription rates for the coming year, 2012.
Mark Harris