The Association Library is housed in the Ringing Chamber at St Giles-in-the-Fields, Holborn, under an arrangement made with the late Revd. Gordon Taylor, Rector of St Giles for 50 years, Middlesex County Association President 1955-1982 and Vice-President until his death in 2009.
The Library Catalogue is available, via the links below, as a series of PDF documents reflecting the organisation of the stock:
- 1 Change ringing
- 1a Central Council publications
- 2 Handbells, carillons, chimes etc
- 3 Bells, buildings, founders, ringers
- 4 Middlesex Association Records
- 5 Middlesex Association Annual Reports
- 6 Documents concerning Middlesex members and towers
- 7 Other ringing libraries: catalogues and publications
- 8 Periodicals on ringing
- 9 Miscellaneous items (ephemera etc.)
Some of the earlier records of the Association, including manuscript peal books and minute books, have been deposited in the London Metropolitan Archives. Details, including LMA reference numbers, are given in the Catalogue where appropriate.
The Trollope manuscript, written by J Armiger Trollope in the 1930s, contains historical notes on a large proportion of the churches in the London area. I have created an
Index of the churches in the London metropolitan area described in the Trollope Manuscript
This lists the churches in sequence, noting whether their bells are extant, changed or lost. The page references are hyperlinked directly to the relevant part of the manuscript, which is freely available on the Central Council website.
Members of the Association may borrow from the Library. Certain materials, including Association documents in categories 4 and 5, are not available for loan. Contact me by email or post to make arrangements (details on the Officers’ page).
I normally ring at St Giles in the Fields on Thursday lunchtimes (12:45 – 1:25), and am frequently at the Tuesday learners’ practices (6:00 – 7:30).
Paul Norman, Librarian.