Safeguarding those involved in bell ringing activities from abuse or allegations of abuse is crucial, whether that is young people or adults. The Association operates within the Diocese of London Safeguarding Policy, which can be read here.
In terms of specific guidance around ringing activities the Association has the following resources.
- Starting to Ring – Welcome to Bell Ringing – this is an introduction for parents/guardians, providing information about what learning to ring bells involves. The leaflet is available here .
- Permission to Ring – this form should be completed before any teaching or ringing commences of persons under the age of 18. It records information about the new ringer including any medical conditions which may affect participation in ringing. Fundamentally, it records consent for ringing to commence by the parent/guardian. The form is available here. Completed forms should be stored in a safe place in the tower. The information may be useful in an emergency. Remember to keep these forms confidential – please don’t leave them out for all to see.
- Association Guidelines on Safeguarding – the Association has prepared a policy on the matter of Safeguarding . Laminated copies are available from District Secretaries and towers are strongly encouraged to display them on their notice boards.
If you have a safeguarding concern you should:
- Contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on or 020-7932-1224 (we have received confirmation from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team that they are willing to discuss any concerns as this would be in line with the service offered to parishes), and
- Inform the Association’s General Secretary whose contact details can be found here.
Version 2.0 April 1st 2016