On Saturday afternoon we held the N&E district striking competition at St Mary Magdalene, Enfield. The local band hosted a fabulous selection of tea, coffee and cakes and the sun shone so it was easy to enjoy listening to each band with the open doors of the church hall. Dylan Thomas listened from the quietest corner of the churchyard and commented that the bells were very clear, and therefore very unforgiving with every clip noticeable. Here are the all important results: Jersey … [Read more...]
125 years of the Middlesex County Association
On Sunday 9th October Association general ringing at Christ Church, Isle of Dogs included some ringing to celebrate 125 years of the Middlesex County Association (as formed in 1897). We rang called changes to 12573468 (similar to Queens but keeping the 2 after the 1 instead of the 3) and we rang 125 changes of Grandsire Triples in a touch called by Martin Clode after some fast learning to memorise the calls. Every tower can find an occasion to ring for the 125 year anniversary and record it … [Read more...]
Lying in state of HM Queen Elizabeth
Memorial ringing for the death of Queen Elizabeth II and ringing to mark the proclamation of King Charles III have involved ringers across London with performances varying from tolling a single bell to fully muffled peals. With more ringing to come on Monday you can see some of the records already posted to Bellboard The Ringing World have asked that performances are added by the end of Thursday 22nd September so that they can be printed in a souvenir edition by the end of the month. If you need … [Read more...]
Bell News 110 June 2022
The June issue of Bell News is now available on the Association Info page, under Newsletter. It contains articles on activity in the London area, and a useful calendar guide to ringing practices and events. … [Read more...]
Quarter Peal fortnight
It is nearly time for the North and East Quarter Peal fortnight to begin! Our quarter peal fortnight runs from Saturday 21st May until Sunday 5th June and we know that lots of the ringing from Thursday 2nd - Sunday 5th June will be linked to the Platinum Jubilee. As you complete your quarter peals please submit them to Bellboard and link them to our event: https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/event.php?id=14818. By clicking here you will see what has been successfully rung as we go along. You can … [Read more...]
N&E District ADM
On Saturday 19th February the North & East District held its Annual District Meeting at St John at Hackney. It was lovely to have more than 40 ringers join the ringing, service and tea and we are grateful to the Hackney band for all the work which went into arranging the afternoon (and especially the tea). Particular thanks go to Chris Weavers and Rev’d Erin Clark for the ringing at Bethnal Green, Rev’d Christa Brodie-Levinsohn for leading the service at St John at Hackney, Hadley Hunter … [Read more...]
Ringing Remembers: Armistice Centenary 12:30pm
All bell ringers are invited to join the nation in marking the end of the First World War by ringing together on Remembrance Sunday 11th November at 12:30p.m. to coincide with the nation’s tribute as thousands march past the Cenotaph. Everybody is invited to take part, whether you are a new Ringing Remembers recruit or an experienced ringer. All are welcome. If you haven’t done so already speak with your tower captain to start making plans for ringing during this national moment. Share your … [Read more...]
Bellringing Summer School
Learn to ring church bells in a week. As a recent learner says: "I can’t recommend learning to ring more enthusiastically, but it comes with a warning – it’s incredibly addictive!“ This is what you could be doing … What is it? A week long course to learn how to ring church bells, including introductory sessions on theory, maintenance, listening skills, handbell ringing, etc and a visit to St Mary le Bow, Cheapside to see the famous ‘Bow Bells' Where is it? St Mary Abbots, … [Read more...]
MCA: Peal of 5040 Spliced Plain Minor – 420 methods
On Sunday 27 May 2018 at St George in the East a peal of 5040 spliced minor was rung unconducted. 420 methods were rung, including 72 for the first time, according to a grid composed by Adrian Sweeting. For details of this unusual event, see Bellboard. … [Read more...]
Musical Evening for the BRF
A brilliantly conceived and executed social evening revealed the astonishing musical talents of N&E District ringers. Proceedings were opened by Alec Gray on solo trumpet (move over, Satchmo) and the varied program that followed maintained the high standard. Our considerable thanks to Michael Royalton-Kisch and Janet Betham for organisation and their performances. And the icing on the cake was the wonderful amount of £758 raised for the BRF. … [Read more...]