”In Ramblings (Radio 4, 19 March) last week, Clare Balding joined a community no less intense in its expression of faith, though somewhat noisier. Bell-ringers are an order of sorts, if not exactly a closed one; and it is greatly to Balding’s credit that she managed, in her conversations with her fellow-walkers, to steer clear of campanological jargon, and stories of high jinks in the bell chamber.
But this was no ordinary group of bell-ringers; and not just because it took them three hours before stopping at a pub. Organised by two ladies named Janet, “Janets’ Jaunts” have become a biennial event for bell-ringers from across London, and from across the age-range: the youngest here was 24, and the oldest in her 70s. Ramblings is one of the quieter programmes in the schedules: an invitation to fall into step with a different pace of intellectual activity, just as one falls into step with its participants. In that way, as Catherine explained here, the rhythm of ringing and of walking are complementary, kinaesthetic experiences.” Church Times
Janets’ Jaunts on BBC
March 23, 2015 by