The Middlesex Association Bellringing Summer School concluded yesterday (25th August 2017) after a week of activity centred on St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington, where around twenty participants made extensive use of the new training bells, but also including sessions on handbells (tune ringing and change ringing), theory and history sessions, a maintenance/steeple keeping session at Fulham (All Saints), and a group visit to St Paul’s Cathedral (see below).
The whole event was organised in advance and coordinated throughout the week by Lucy Chandhial, who also secured funding for the event from the Aviva Community Fund. On behalf of the Association, and I am sure on behalf of the participants, I would like to record thanks to Lucy for the huge work she had done to make this event happen and be so successful.
Our thanks also go to all of those that helped out throughout the week, with particular thanks to Stephanie Pattenden, steeple keeper at Kensington, for her work there in advance and during the week itself.
Helpers and Participants from the Middlesex Association Bellringing Summer School
Shown here in the ringing room at St Paul’s Cathedral (apologies if I have misnamed or misspelled anyone)
Back row: John Manley, Angela McLellan, Tue, Entesar, Jenny, Janet Betham, Alan, Charles, Lucy Chandhial (organiser)
Middle row (staring half way along): Odelia, Roxanne, Margaret, Malcolm, Piers, Guy Wells
Front row: Dave Bassford (St Paul’s), Clyde Whittaker, Paul, Danny, Barri, HansRashbrook, David, Fiona, Paulette, Bo, Claudia, Adelia
It was a fabulous week!
James White
Association Trustee
(and ringing tutor throughout the week)