The Association AGM at Uxbridge (St Margaret) on 26th April was very well attended, with 50 members signing the register of attendance (and some people escaping without doing so!). The key outcomes were as follows:
1. Two grants were approved from the Bell Restoration Fund:
i All Hallows, Twickenham – up to £4000
ii St Mary the Virgin, Norwood Green – up to £10,000
2. Reports were received from all the Association’s officers, most of which are printed in the Annual report 2013-14, compiled by James White, and distributed to tower representatives at the meeting.
3. The annual accounts for the Association and for the BRF were adopted.
4. Stephen Jakeman (President) and Michael Palmer (Master) had reached the end of their three year terms, and Eddie Heath was standing down as Training Officer. The following new officers were elected:
i President: Philip Vracas (see below for photograph)
ii Master: Geraldine Forster (see below for photograph)
iii Training Officer: Mike Wigney
All of the other post-holders will continue to serve for a further year.
5. Christopher O’Mahony reported on a successful Handbell ‘training and development’ Event, held at Harrow School on 12 April (see the back page of the latest Ringing World for a consumer’s account of this!) He indicated that there were plans to repeat the event on the corresponding Saturday (before Palm Sunday) in 2015.
6. The General Secretary reported that the Central Committee had awarded a grant of £250 to the Ringing Foundation, to support the development of the Integrated Teacher Training Scheme.
7. The Autumn General Meeting will be held on the afternoon of Saturday 11 October, at Fulham (subject to confirmation), with general ringing on the bells of All Saints, which have been rehung with support from the BRF.
Stephen Mitchell
General Secretary
Stephen Jakeman hands over to Philip Vracas (President)
Michael Palmer hands over to Geraldine Forster (Master)
The new Master and President flanked by the continuing General Secretary (Stephen Mitchell) and General Treasurer (Mark Harris)