Sorry for the delay in letting you know the final outcome of Open Day – we raised £2,063.20p for the BRF which is a very good result all things considered. Thanks go to the 40 or so members who stewarded towers, opened up, provided refreshments or supported the day in way please give yourselves a big pat on the back – without you it would not have happened. Separate thanks have already been sent to those who helped – if I have missed anyone please let me know.
In addition to the useful top up to the BRF I believe that we earned ourselves some brownie points in our visitors memories judging by the emails I have received saying ‘thank you for a really good day’ and ‘how much they enjoyed themselves’.
The loss from the anticipated income from Gift Aid was largely offset by the proceeds of the raffle. We are grateful for the additional donations and the bottle of whiskey. Not surprisingly the most popular tower was St Dunstan –in-the-West with 104 visitors recorded. Around 114 day tickets were sold as far as I can ascertain, the remaining income being £1’s and donations from the refreshments. All towers bar one gave us the use of their bells free of charge and this makes a huge difference as you can easily calculate.
Cheers for now and happy memories of a lovely day!
Steve Jakeman
2013 Open Day Organisor